한국정보과학회 인공지능소사이어티
패턴인식 및 기계학습 여름학교
2015년 8월 20일(목) - 21일(금), 고려대학교
초대의 글 프로그램 등록 오시는 길

▶ 일시:  2015년 8월 20일(목) - 21일(금)
▶ 장소:  고려대학교 자연계캠퍼스 우정정보통신관 601호(오시는 길)
▶ 주최:  고려대학교 뇌공학과, 한국정보과학회 인공지능소사이어티,
미래창조과학부 기계학습 연구센터
▶ 주관:  고려대학교 BK21플러스 뇌공학글로벌소프트웨어인재양성사업단

 초대의 글

 정보기술의 발전과 더불어 도처에서 쏟아져 나오는 데이터를 효과적으로 처리하고 분석하기 위하여 다양한 분야에서 패턴인식 및 기계학습 이론의 필요성이 대두되고 있습니다. 이에 한국정보과학회 인공지능소사이어티에서는 2015년 8월 20일-21일 양일에 걸쳐 "2015 패턴인식 및 기계학습 여름학교"를 개최합니다.
 국내외적으로 이 분야에서 활발하게 활동하시는 여섯 분의 연사를 모시고 알찬 강의를 준비해 보았습니다. 여름학교를 통해서 보다 더 깊은 지식을 습득하여 각자의 분야에서 유용하게 활용할 수 있는 기회의 장이 되었으면 합니다. 많은 분들이 여름학교에 참가하여 의미 있는 시간이 될 수 있기를 기대합니다.

2015년 4월 24일
한국정보과학회 인공지능소사이어티 회장 이성환

     ▶ 조직위원장: 이성환(고려대학교)
     ▶ 프로그램위원장: 최승진(POSTECH)
     ▶ 프로그램위원: 김건희(서울대학교), 신현정(아주대학교), 유환조(POSTECH), 한보형(POSTECH),
     ▶ 자문위원: 김대진(POSTECH), 김수형(전남대학교), 변혜란(연세대학교), 서정연(서강대학교),
오일석(전북대학교), 이근배(POSTECH), 장병탁(서울대학교)
     ▶ 출판위원: 석흥일(고려대학교)
     ▶ 등록위원: 박정선(전남대학교)
▲ 맨 위로


8월 20일(목) 8월 21일(금)
10:00-12:00 신현정 (아주대학교),
Convex Optimization
김건희 (서울대학교),
Structural SVMs
12:00-13:30 Lunch Break
13:30-15:30 유환조 (POSTECH),
Recommender Systems
황성주 (UNIST),
Structured Sparsity
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-18:00 최승진 (POSTECH),
Bayesian Recommendation
한보형 (POSTECH),
Deconvolutions in Convolutional Neural Networks

▲ 맨 위로

▶  Convex Optimization

신현정 교수, 아주대학교

Convex optimization is an important enough topic that everyone who learns machine learning should know at least little bit about it. Many problems in machine learning are based on finding parameters that minimize some objective function. Very often, it is a weighted sum of two components: a cost term and a regularization term. If both of these components are convex, then the problem is a convex optimization problem. There are great advantages to recognizing or formulating a problem as a convex optimization problem. Most importantly, if a function is strictly convex, it is guaranteed to have a unique global minimum, and it can be solved, very reliably and efficiently, using standard methods. There are also theoretical or conceptual advantages that the associated dual problem, for example, often has an interesting interpretation in terms of the original problem, and sometimes leads to an efficient method for solving it. Typical examples of convex optimization problems in machine learning include support vector machines, semi-supervised learning, ridge regression with Tikhonov regularization, whereas neural networks, maximum likelihood mixtures of Gaussians are non-convex problems. In this talk, we give an overview of mathematical optimization, focusing on the special role of convex optimization, and then describe the convex programming formulations of widely known machine learning algorithms.

2006 - 현재 : 아주대학교 공과대학 산업공학과 부교수
2005 - 2006 : Friedrich-Mierscher-Lab, Max-Planck-Institute(독일) 수석연구원
2000 - 2005 : 서울대학교 공과대학 (산업공학/데이터마이닝) 공학박사
△ 프로그램으로    ▲ 맨 위로

▶  Recommender Systems

유환조 교수, POSTECH

Recommender systems have high demands and various applications in industry. Developing an accurate and efficient recommender system is technically challenging thus actively researched in research communities. This talk first introduces fundamental concepts and techniques in recommender systems, and presents several practical issues in recommender systems such as novel recommendation, timing when to recommend, and fast parallel matrix factorization for big data.

2008 - 현재 : POSTECH 컴퓨터공학과 교수
2004 - 2007 : 조교수, University of Iowa, USA
1998 - 2004 : PhD, Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
△ 프로그램으로    ▲ 맨 위로

▶  Bayesian Recommendation

최승진 교수, POSTECH

Collaborative prediction is a popular technique used in recommender systems, the task of which is to fill in missing entries of a user-item matrix given a small set of observed entries, to predict preferences of users based on their observed preferences. In this tutorial, I present Bayesian models for recommender systems, what I called, “Bayesian recommendation”. To this end, I introduce Bayesian treatment of matrix factorization, especially emphasizing variational Bayesian matrix factorization as well as co-factorization. In addition, I also introduce a Bayesian binomial mixture model for collaborative prediction in the case of non-random missing world.

2001 - 현재 : POSTECH 컴퓨터공학과 교수
1990 - 1996 : Ph.D. in EE, University of Notre Dame
△ 프로그램으로    ▲ 맨 위로

▶  Structural SVMs

김건희 교수, 서울대학교

Support Vector Machine (SVM) is one of most popular supervised learning algorithms for classification and regression, which aims to find a hyperplane that separates different classes of data with the maximal margins. Structural SVMs generalize the SVMs to handle arbitrary output spaces with non-trivial structure. Structural SVMs have been successfully applied to a large range of structured output prediction tasks, including diversified ranking, multi-class classification, parse tree generation, part-of-speech tagging, protein sequence alignment, image segmentation, and human pose estimation. This tutorial will provide a comprehensive introduction to the principles and algorithms for Structural SVMs, and their practical applications in computer vision and visual data mining.

2015 - 현재 : 서울대학교 공과대학 컴퓨터공학과 조교수
2013 - 2015 : 박사후 연구원, Disney Research
2009 - 2013 : Ph.D. in Carnegie Mellon University, Computer Science Department
△ 프로그램으로    ▲ 맨 위로

▶  Structured Sparsity

황성주 교수, UNIST

Sparsity-inducing regularizations such as l1-regularizations allow to select small number of variables that are useful for a given learning task, by zeroing out most of the variables. They have been extensively explored in the last decades in both machine learning and computer vision field, as it enables to efficiently compute and compactly store the model, as well as analyze important factors in high-dimensional learning. In this lecture, we will go over the basics of norm-based regularization, including l1, l2, and l1/l2-norms, as well as the optimization techniques for them, while learning about statistical models that leverages sparsity such as lasso, elastic net, sparse group lasso, and tree-guided group lasso. Further, as a case study, we will focus on the problem of sparse coding and dictionary learning, and number of applications for it, such as multitask/transfer learning, and image denoising. At the end of the talk, we will also go over few sparsity-inducing regularizations for deep learning models.

2014 - 현재 : UNIST 컴퓨터공학과 조교수
2013 - 2014 : 박사후 연구원, Disney Research
2013 : Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of Texas, Austin, USA

강의자료 다운로드
△ 프로그램으로    ▲ 맨 위로

▶  Deconvolutions in Convolutional Neural Networks

한보형 교수, POSTECH

Convolutional neural networks have shown remarkable performance in various problems in computer vision, and some researchers have beein interested in understanding the learned features using deconvolutional networks. Recently, deconvolution starts to be employed in several practical problems since deep networks with deconvolution are suitable to predict structural outputs in principle. There are several successful results based on deconvolutions in spite of challenges in training deconvolution layers such as a large number of parameters and a limited amount of resources. In this lecture, I introduce recent breakthroughs related to deconvolution networks, which include feature visualization, semantic segmentation, object generation, and image enhancement.

2014 - 현재 : POSTECH 컴퓨터공학과 부교수
2010 - 2014 : POSTECH 컴퓨터공학과 조교수
2008 - 2009 : 연구원, Mobileye Vision Technologies, NJ

강의자료 다운로드
△ 프로그램으로    ▲ 맨 위로


등록비 일반 학생
300,000 200,000
현장등록 350,000 250,000
    ※ 등록 인원: 300명 (선착순 마감)
    ※ (정보과학회 회원/비회원 등록비 동일)
    ※ 사전등록 마감일: 2015년 8월 17일

참가등록 바로가기

  • 강의자료는 행사 당일 등록데스크에서 배포됩니다.

  • 여름학교 등록 후 참가 시 "여름학교 참가확인증"을 발부해 드립니다.
  • 여름학교 참가확인증이 필요하신 분은 8월 20일~9월 4일까지,
     아래의 주소로 성함과 소속을 적어서 메일을 보내주시기 바랍니다.
     메일 주소 :

  • 등록하신 분들께는 8월 20~21일 중식 제공됩니다.

  • 당일 주차할인권 구입 가능합니다. (종일권 - 4천원)

  • ▲ 맨 위로

    오시는 길

    고려대학교 자연계캠퍼스 우정정보통신관 601호 (자세히 보기)

    ▲ 맨 위로